Wednesday, February 22, 2006

For me, cramming is usually an effective way to gather inspiration and willpower. Kinda like SDMs or last resort tactics in games. The problem is doing everything in the time I have left. Sometimes, sacrifices are needed to stretch cramming time. One of those times was last night, where I had to submit a Science project and thought I should submit a Social Science project the next day. (I found out the Social Science project was due at the 27th during class >.<) Thus, I ended up finishing everything by 3:00 AM today. Note that my school day morning routine requires me to be up by 4:00.

This is how I got the fatigue induced headache that's been bothering me for the entire day. Simply closing my eyes was enough to lull me into a close-to-sleeping state. In an attempt to play Battleship, I learnt how unaware fatigue made me. Markers I don't remember putting, markers in random positions I never called out, and losing too easily. Suprisingly, I had no problem keeping myself up during class. Except for Filipino. I was done failing in my Talumpati recital, so all we had to do was watch others recite theirs. Being in the front row and having my filipino watching from the back of the classroom made sleeping too tempting. Granted, I only got a few minutes of sleep at a time, but it alleviated(hehe, Word Power term) my headache enough. Even when she called out those that were sleeping, I was never mentioned. Like I had expected since this morning, the day dragged though slowly at a snail's pace to the negative 10th power.(gah, school expressions! I really AM tired.)

Even now that I'm home, I just can't seem to sleep despite how tired I am. Having nothing else to do, I decided to state an uninteresting chapter of my life here and waste a few minutes of every reader's time. I should have ranted more about cramming and fatigue like I originally planned when I started typing this. How it ended up telling a boring story of a boring event of my life, I do not know.

I was originally planning to put this post here. How I ended up typing it in LJ and not noticing until I finished is a mystery to me. O.o


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