Friday, November 11, 2005

I hate those community service meetings. Stupid long-forms-that-won't-fit-in-any-book-or-folder-and-can't-be-folded. There IS such thing as short bond. I'm pretty sure the contents can fit in one.

Quoting my Filipino teacher(not exact, and translated in English because I can.) :
"These are the tickets for the play tommorow. We're short 14 tickets. Those that don't get their tickets now will get theirs in dismissal."
Since she was too lazy to check who paid and who didn't, she distributed the tickets by columns(which teachers call rows, but I refuse to follow them for the sake of grammar). She started at the other end of the room from where I'm seated, meaning I was at the 2nd to the last column. With the normal 5 per column, 9 per row arrangement except for the last column which had 4 in a column, she would stop right after the 4th to the last row. One of those few times when I carelessly solve an equation and get it right HAD to be then. I'd actually be happy if it would excuse me from having to watch the play, but sadly it didn't.

Teachers had a meeting after dismissal. couldn't wait. Had to catch bus. Her fault for not giving me a ticket back then.

Bus left me anyway. They must have forgotten that I'm dismissed on 3:40. Shrugged it off. Went to Shang.

Now I know my knee is reliable enough to go through these kinds of trips again. Me very happy.

Stupid people reserving turns at Guitar Freaks. Stupid me not doing the same or taking their turn while the went off for a snack or in the middle of another game. Scared newcomers from reserving turns. Didn't have to do much.

I can do speed 4.0 now. Finished Luvly Merry-Go-Round. ALMOST finished Breakdown. Discovered I can finish Basic 17-18 songs as long as I survive the "red point"(there's always a point where I'm about to lose in any of those songs. Barely survived them so far.) Need to learn how to switch doubles quickly.

I love SC3. Talim cheap. Siegfried fun. Mitsurugi annoying. Need Hwang. Need Sophitia. Suprised at seeing Amy(Raphael's "child") beat me in one of those bonus battles. Suprised at seeing Amy possibly being playable. Found Tutorial useful(not because of what it teaches, though. Finish every single item with one character and see what I mean.).

Must stop talking in fragments. gramatically incorrect. Must run this post through Babelfish. Maybe in seperate post.


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