Sunday, August 07, 2005

"We love keeping our emotions. When we're depressed, we seek memories to stay depressed. When we're angry, we seek reasons to stay angry. When we're happy, ...well, that's hard"

Just something I had in my head for many years and only said it aloud recently. It describes my UPCAT experience perfectly. I arrived 3 hours early, and knew I was going to be bored. I kept telling myself how bored I would be until I got bored 20 minutes before I'd normally get bored. I kept walking around, then I thought I should stop after the fourh time before I got tired. It was that time I felt my feet ache and when I started sweating and felt itches.

While taking the test, I noticed how easy it was, until a difficult question was spotted when I started thinking how easy the test was so far. The filipino questions that started appearing when I thought I could finish a subtest without a problem didn't help either. I started thinking it would be that depressing the entire test. It was.

That statement I started this post is true, and I hate it for being that way.


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