Friday, December 02, 2005

Intrams day was great, and I'm not talking about sports. large supply of food and drinks, a TV(not portable), a PS2(regular size), and Jake's computer, as in monitor, CPU, mouse, and keyboard just for us benchwarmers... and some players. Too bad we couldn't stay in the study hall. Too much sun, and scarce cold air.

In addition to Khan's list of things we watched on Jake's computer,(too lazy to type in what someone already bothered to do) we watched the Gundam Evolve(Gundam going through Tai Chi stances) and everyone else enjoyed Jake's "cosplay" pictures. Hardly recognized any of them. Bleh. I think most of them were just imitating common anime stereotypes rather than imitating specific characters. I don't think Khan missed anything in games played.

I brought my sketchpad just in case I fall into boredom. I actually used it during reccess. or was it lunch? I don't remember. Khan took it and we eventually started the Kirby-Smiler war. Which evolved to the Kirby-Smiler-Poring war when Liu joined. and became the Kirby-Smiler-Poring war with another kind of smiler spectating when Benji joined. Random silliness including socks, the Deathstar, erasers, pokeballs, and the Pikachu-rocket. I can't even remember who won.

Though I didn't join any sport, I still felt too tired to commute home. I ended up joining R2 and Yang to play RO and Warcraft. Too bad not much happened there.

The following day, after repeating my daily trek around the dungeon I call school, I... I mean, after school the next day I responded to the call of the assembly of slackers... I mean I met the usual group(which I'm going to call The Table since its easier, regardless of the fact that I'm ripping off Khan.) so we could go off to Shang. Since a fraction of the table had to enter their strongholds... I mean return home by their scheduled pick-ups, only Jake, Khan, Artoo, Liu, and I were left.

Good thing too, since there was limited space in our assembled mecha- I mean limited space in Jake's car. My ribs were repeatedly stabbed by the cursed jagged knife of punishment... I mean were stabbed by Khan's very sharp hip bone, and struggling to escape the Force Choke... I mean struggling to breath, and unable to move my petrified arm... I mean put my arm down due to lack of space and limited capacity of joints. Imagine the draining blood there. As if that wasn't bad enough, the several blows of poison gas... I mean farts in courtesy of R2(smell it once, and you're sure to get nightmares about it), Khan(he was SITTING ON my lap, meaning I get the largest dosage of it), and I(vengance!). I could easily imagine us all falling off when the doors open since neither of us at the sides could reach the door handle. Evil Jake, since he was at the front, he was spared from suffering. At least the gas attack got to him.

Shang. R2 attempted Guitar Freaks, or should I say, "guitar abnormal man"? Jake and Khan at Tekken. Lost gloriously at Initial D(no one can lose better than I can!). Found out the power I use in punches are consistent. 415? 515? didn't remember what it was. For once, failed to make a fool out of myself in DanceMania(doesn't mean I didn't suck though). and I finally found out the effect of not restricting myself with my jacket and watch in Air Hockey against R2. scores of Me:R2 were, 7:2, 3:7(I think. can't recall properly), and 4:5(time ran out, before I shot my next goal. It could have been 5:5). I had an idea what would happen without my watch and jacket on, but this result seemed better.

Found a site to download the first 25 episodes of Aburangers. Seems ok so far, too bad it takes 30+ minutes to download.


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