Sunday, December 18, 2005

Who would have known we'd spend most of our time at a karaoke room that day?
There was the convention, with it's sale on series and OVAs, toys and figures to stare at, People dubbing anime badly(mostly on purpose), band playing classical songs(Mario Theme!), and cosplay parade(which we didn't stay for). Got a few clear shots of some cosplayers posing and others not noticing me.

There was also Powerstation, with its collection of games. I don't see anything great in a karaoke, but enjoyed the time there nevertheless. After all, there was J-Pop! Thanks to Kang and Rika(who spent so much time picking songs) and Artoo(who decided we didn't suffer enough and gave them 4 more songs), we stayed there for at LEAST 2 hours. What happened there? Random picture taking, R2 in a fetal position, maiming Jake, pillow fight, lots and lots of pictures(contrary to Liu's post in his blog(which finally revived), not all pictures were of Rika and Kang), the blinding of all men in the room in courtesy of Rika's drawing on my sketchpad, making and waving of Help Me signs, and of course, Rika and Kang singing. There was never a moment of silence in the room. Silence was greatly missed. andartoosawjake'saddress!

We should bring new people more often. Even though they lost the coin toss, Jake still fed us for free since it was his first time meeting Kang and Rika. An interesting revelation discovered about those of us present that day. It was Jake's first time treating Rika and Kang, 2nd time treating Artoo, 3rd time treating Liu, and 4th time treating me. So who's first is it going to be next time? As usual, this was the point of random conversation. I remember origami was talked about at some point. That and Home Economics/Management.

MRT was tight, as always. Couldn't move my feet side to side, and I couldn't raise them far enough. Stupid backpacks. I had to bend backwards the entire trip and rely on friction for balance.


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