Thursday, July 22, 2004

Another list thing. can't find the question to #5 though. On an unrelated topic, QOF is back! yay!

01. name: Sean, Raziel, Kusagami, and snark_liberator currently.
02. hobbies: staying in front of the computer screen for hours
03. sexual preference: I'm straight, and I'm a guy. If you're smart enough, you'll know.
04. age: age=x, 14x>312, (x-34)12< 1246/3, x=7(a+c/d), 7(a+c/d)=15. It's simple if you look at it closely. Especially if you've just learned these.
06. horoscope: Sagittarius
07. school:  La Salle Greenhills.
08. address: The yeerks are among us. If they know, wher I live, they'll infest me and know where my friends live. If they know where my friends live, theyeerks will infest them too. If we're infested, the only resistance to the yeerk rule will end.
09. email add: I do not like spam. Luncheon meat, even though halos pareho, pwede na.
10. hair: ... black. If you know the haircut rule in La Salle, you can most probably guess the rest.
11. eye colour: dark brown.
12. hair colour: see above.
13. right or left handed: left, but can do somethings with both hands.
14. marital status: single I'm not old enough to be otherwise. :D
15. siblings: 3
16. last 4 digits of ur no.: 5892
17. when's ur bedtime: 9-12
18. do u have a car: I wish.
19. what type of car do you want: never really thought about it. I just want a car.
20. brand of cars: dunno
 *hAvE yOu..*
21. tried smoking: lighting things on fire? yes. Inhaling the fumes emitted from them daily? no.
22. drink alc0h0l: nope
23. been hurt emotionally: Yah.
24. kept a secret from anyone: yes, both intentional and unintentional. Only a small portion of the school know my basic traits.
25. been on stage?: I was forced to be on one, so yah
 26. color/s : black and green mayme red and blue, but not much
27. food : meat and rice usually.
28. drinks: Coca-cola (cokeheads unite! Pepsi is.. good.. on occassion...)H2o.
29. number: 28.
30. looney toons: Speedy Gonzales, daffy, Taz, and that turtle.
31. sports: I like soccer without the heat and the running. Chess is also considered as a sport, so that too.
32. songs : Currently Cruel Angel's Thesis and I'm My Own Grandpa
33. movie : Star Wars has always been a favorite.
34. subject: everything I used to like is ruined by my current teachers. Computer's still good though.(when I'm not caught)
35. friends: A handful. very good friends though
*riGht nOw..*
36. wearing now: glasses, usual home clothes(underwear included), and watch
37. hairstyle: Pam-bagong gising.
38. looking at: create a post page and a YM window
39. thinking of: How to beat Momo
40. listening to: someone hitting something hollow accross the street from here 
*dO u beLieve in..*
41. love? : Yeah.
42. destiny? : that and fate. maybe karma too even though I make it myself
43. urself: Nope, I have no self esteem or pride.
44. ghost : I don't but my subconcious does
45. angel : :j Not exactly angels per se, but I do believe in high and heavenly spiritual beings unseen.
*iN the LaSt 24hRs..*
46. worn jeans: nope.
47. cleaned ur room: look at my last rip off post. I don't even remember the last time my room was clean 
48. cried: nothing to cry about currently
49. met someone new: yup, some Demon Hyo and Momo user in Power Station
50. last person i talked to on the phone: r2
*LoVe LifE..*
51. do u hav a bf?: fuck you.
52. hav a secret admirer: I wish.
53. do u wanna get married?: yeah.
54. do u plan on having kids? Yep.
55. hw old u wanna be when u get married?: Don't really care. ^^
56. hw old u wanna be when u hav ur first baby:never thought about it
57. how many kids do u want: maybe one or two.
58. would u hav kids before marriage: doubt it
59. do u hav a crush: I hardly know any girls out of family and school. I have no one to have a crush on.
60. wat do u want most in a relationship: an actual relationship.
*eiTher oNe..*
61. pink or black: black.
62. kiss or hugs: hugs.
63. summer or winter: winter.
64. sunny or rainy: rainy.
65. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate.
66. hanging out or chilling: chilling I guess
67. music or tv: TV
68. nite or day: Day. I like staying awake at night, but nothing's open.
69. guys or girls: what's this question supposed to mean??
70. sleeping or eating: Sleeping.
71. love or lust: love.
72. silver or gold: gold
73. sunrise or sunsets: sunrise.
74. phone or in person: in person
75. diamond or pearl: diamonds.


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