Thursday, November 30, 2006

They foresaw a storm headed this way yesterday, but there is no change in weather from where I'm from. I looked up to the sky through my caged window and sensed it; sensed it and sensed it change in direction. Of course, this happened after checking the links from Squadron17 that led to the news articles, but sensing it is more dramatic. This foe is not unfamiliar to me. I have seen its tactics before. Did it truly lose interest in us? or is this a faint for a surprise attack? A slight rain did pass, but knowing Chupon, this could very well be just the first wave. I know the public calls this form Reming, but they are deluded by its constant appearances and disappearances, believing each got vanquished and another would take its place. Chupon could never be vanquished. No one knew where to hit it for it had no solid point.

I... I was powerless during its last attack. It drained all energy from me, forcing me to remain helpless, trapped within the confines of my base. Then, even if I was within Chupon's grasp, I was not truly harmed in any way. This time... this time, I have a mission I must complete. The failure of this mission could prove fatal to my career. The world is depending on me to persistently apply pressure to my keyboard. The world is depending on me to create, with my very hands, a... cash register program. Chupon's timing couldn't have been any worse. In the confines of my base, I am safe from any direct attack from him, but if it successfully foils my progress, I could suffer a more horrible fate.

Everything that needs to be charged is charged. All except my own power. Never found out how to use it to fire ki blasts or increase my physical strength, so that is one thing I can overlook. Everything I have to back up has back up. Of course, it would have been smarter if I had some hard copies printed as well, but who said I was the brightest bulb in the box? All the supplies I'll need has been gathered.

Chupon, you will deceive me no longer! I may not have the means to vanquish you, but I can still defeat you by foiling your plot to foil mine!

Now, I hear the second wave is striking. This is far from over... Where is jake's weather machine when you need it?


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