Saturday, May 20, 2006

My parents mention that we're going out at a certain time when I'm too tired to think. Without seeing me go to the bathroom AT ALL, they still somehow become surprised that I wasn't ready when we have to go. Not to mention that they turned off our connection to the internet.

I get rushed to the bathroom, they expect me to not wash off the accumulating sticky sweat and just dress up for the sake of travel time. While taking a bath, they scream out to me every thirty seconds to finish already, as if going was compulsary or I insisted in tagging along. I didn't even feel like going out today. Still, they kept banging and shouting. By the time I finished, I gave up, told them I'm not going, and went straight back to my room. Never mind I'm dressed already.

They already convinced me to go when they mentioned it, despite how tired and lazy I felt. If they truely wanted me to go, pressuring me was the last thing they should have been doing. Heh, the things my family do to play with my nerves.

It's warm, I can't feel the wind, the roofs are quiet, and the sun shines in my face when I look at the window. What happened to my favorite cool, cloudy, windy, drizzling weather? I miss it so.


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