Friday, October 01, 2004

ahh, sweet, sweet internet. How I missed you.

I'm starting to get restless. I never thought I would appreciate projects this much. Library won't allow me to log in blogger. My bus leaves earlier than usual. Can't leave the house unless it has something to do with school or when I'm with my family -_-; I miss updating. I miss visiting the other blogs. I miss the webcomics. I miss YM. I miss forums. etc.

Career field trip

The class went to Roadrunner network, Center for Culinary Arts, and Hizon labs. Every room in Roadrunner network was cramped. There were some Alien and Predator figures around. There was a TV that turned on in an empty room that we never got to go to. CCA reminded me of one thing. Peaches are ok. Its just that I will throw up if I don't swallow it fast enough. I loved the chocolate syrup and the crepe skin... thing. I forgot to remove my jacket before entering the lab. The result, I had an undershirt, the school uniform polo over it, my jacket over that, and a long white lab coat. Suprisingly, it wasn't hot. There was this disturbing smell everywhere in the lab but I kind of got used to it after a while. The floor was slippery and we had these cotton bags covering our shoes so people were skating once in a while. Duran made an idiot out of himself again, nothing new. One thing I noted though. One classmate, who has been one of mr. Antonil's usual victim, got the visitor #65 tag. I didn't get one. Seems that they only expected 43 students instead of 45.

I submitted my art caricature, dammit! If ms. Ching fails me one more time...

Sayo ending#1 is sad.

I will kill that sick father and his greedy daughter.

I can't wait for my Demon Kubirabasara

Filipino, Science, and Social Science makes a day last too long.

New hitlist:

- baby in "find a baby" jobs(they just jump to your inventory...)
- Nakamura(hard mode)
- Amahara shrine kid(post Khan's comment here)
- "wild dog"(more more time!)
- Maikaze (there are NO insense sticks!)(leave the inn already!)
- Dr. Genan (stop kicking me already! *sob*)
- Kyojiro in hard mode (done, but broke my favorite sword*sob* *loads game*)
- monk in Otsouka-cho(JUST 50 points? heh)
- Chiyo(the items! the items!) (8 times, hehe)
- Oboro(they DO drop the same items Chiyo does...) (5 times)
- Benya(damn you for giving me only one choice in Lone Samurai ending)
- narrarator(I'm not alone anymore!*sob*)

Can't get to Photobucket and QOF anymore *sob*


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