Friday, August 24, 2007

Heat... is hot.
and evil.
Especially without aircon.
Aircon makes it cold, but can't use aircon yet.
Heat doesn't really turn into cold.
Cold doesn't exist as a noun, but people use it as one anyway.
Cold is the absence of heat.
Absence has no presence, but it is treated as if it does anyway.
Contradicting, but people find it more absurd to call cold heat.
Kind of like nothing.
Nothing is nothing.
People treat it as if it is something.
People are silly things.
Ending lots of words with "thing".
Everything, nothing, anything, something, thing and thingamajig.
Thingamajig doesn't end with thing, it starts with it.
Same with thingie.
I don't even think thingie is a real word.
People use it as if it was though.
Does that make thingie fiction?
Heat changing powers are not real thingies but are fiction too, but people don't use it in real life.
Heat changing powers should be more useful than thingies.
Heat changing powers could get rid of evil heat.
...but not, since heat is energy.
Energy cannot be destroyed, only changed.
So heat changes to cold.
but there is no such thing as cold, as cold is absence.
So heat becomes fiction.
Fiction is good.

So people need to use heat changing powers instead of thingies if they're going to import something from fiction, so they can use it on heat and turn it into fiction so instead of being evil, heat will be good.

All will become good.

I want aircon.


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